Healthwatch Swindon Quarter 3 Report - 2018/19

Find out about the campaigns and projects we have been working on from October to December 2018.

Current Campaign

  • #Stay Well Swindon – We started a campaign in October ‘#Stay Well Swindon’ to highlight health and wellbeing during the winter months. 
  • Mental Health Project - Local communities across England have told Healthwatch that they want to see mental health prioritised. We are supporting Healthwatch England’s multiyear programme, where we will find out what support people want with their mental health locally.


  • Age UK Wiltshire – a survey aimed at older people to better understand people’s experiences in later life. Age UK asked us to support their survey in order to inform their business development. The final report can be read here.
  • Polish Catholic Mission – a survey with Polish people to find out their experiences of accessing health and social care. We commissioned the Swindon Polish Catholic Community to undertake a survey of 100 people whose first language was likely to be Polish. The report can be read here
  • First City Nursing and Care – a survey for those receiving care in their own homes. Healthwatch volunteers carried out surveys with clients in their own homes. 
  • Homeless audit – in conjunction with Threshold Housing and CCG our volunteers surveyed residents at local hostels and rough sleepers of Swindon to find out how they are accessing services. 
  • Swindon Advocacy Movement (SAM), carrying out Enter and Views from a Learning Difficulty perspective. The final report can be read here.


If you need this report in a different format, please email or call 01793 497 777.

Healthwatch Swindon Quarter 3 Report 2018/19

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