1. Report -

    Read our annual report for 2014/15 to find out about the work we've done and our plans for the year ahead.
  2. Report -

    Swindon Healthwatch and First City have worked together to understand what the people of Swindon think about the future of community care, now, next year and next decade.
  3. Report -

    My Voice Matters is ensuring the voice of people with diverse lived experiences & backgrounds are heard.

    We are proud to be able to give the opportunity for seldom heard voices to be heard by providers & wider organisations in their own words.
  4. News -

    This month we bring you a personal account of a loved one with dementia and the barriers they faced accessing care, our report for Macmillan sharing where the people and communities of Swindon would like to find cancer information and support along with our review of the chemotherapy services at Great Western Hospital. All this and more in Your April News.