My Voice Matters: Desktop Review of Autism Research

My Voice Matters is ensuring the voice of people with diverse lived experiences & backgrounds are heard.

We are proud to be able to give the opportunity for seldom heard voices to be heard by providers & wider organisations in their own words

This desktop review has been researched and written by Flavio Fernandes De Oliveira; a Young Healthwatch volunteer.


He reviewed the reports produced to understand the common themes and issues affecting people who are diagnosed with Autism.

The common themes are:

  • Lack of effective communication from GP Practices and/or professionals.
  • People with autism feel they are not being listened to.
  • Differentiating the information for people with autism to the other patients.
  • The increase in knowledge and understanding of autism within the staff of the GP Practices.
  • Tailoring the communication to people diagnosed with autism to make it more accessible.
  • Spreading awareness for those surrounding the individual with autism.
  • Developing a comfortable environment in the GP Practices, so that the individuals with autism feel more comfortable when visiting said GP Practice.
  • Support people awaiting a diagnosis.
  • Ensure people are aware of the annual health check.
  • Ensure professionals are properly trained.

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